Welcome home! This charming Ranch features hardwood flooring throughout, a stylish open shelving kitchen with a new 3-door refrigerator, a walk-in pantry, and a movable island. The dining room flows into the living room, complete with a new wood stove for cozy ambiance, chimney has lifetime warranty. Enjoy your private acre complete with a fireplaced seating area, perfect for gatherings and cookouts. There's also a large grassy area for outdoor activities. Home has a 3-bedroom septic system installed in 2015, maintenance-free exterior and vinyl windows. 30 year roof w/warranty installed 2008, and a new water softening system in 2023, This home is move-in ready complete with 4000 watt generator you just plug in for back up if the power ever goes out. Just bring your toys and settle in. Included in sale - washer, dryer, extra refrigerator and a 24 Gun Safe (empty) in the basement along with 2 cords of aged wood covered outside near fireplaced seating area.
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